Friday, November 21, 2008

happy turkey day Palin!... (not!)

i have to hand it to Governor "Gruesome" Palin --she really knows how to keep her name in the headlines! unfortunately, never for a good reason though... yesterday, Palin went through the schmalzy tradition that all American politicians go through each year of "pardoning a turkey" and setting it free right before Thanksgiving when millions will be slaughtered for our dinner... but, just to be DIFFERENT, i guess --Palin did her little interview in front of a guy who was actually busy killing birds and draining their blood... hmm yummy...

thanks governor! way to replace my rockwellian picture of family gathered at a table eating turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy with blood and guts right before thanksgiving!!! arrrrgh! i think i'll go back to making "hand turkeys" now... going to my happy place...

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