Tuesday, November 4, 2008

today's U.S. presidential election...

here is some thoughts about today's vote that made me realize that this election is REALLY changing the American people... i've never seen this kind of excitement and participation in my lifetime...

How Long Are You Willing To Wait In Line To Vote? by BarbinMD
Tue Nov 04, 2008 at 06:50:03 AM PST
Yesterday, CNN's Jack Cafferty
asked viewers how long they'd be willing to wait in line to vote. Here are some of my favorite answers:
-My whole day is devoted to this one moment in history, I never want to look back and regret that I was not involved in one of the most important moments in United States history.
-Considering that there are some that wait ....and sometimes fight a lifetime for the opportunity to vote, I will wait happily for as long as it takes to vote for my chosen candidate. I urge everyone to do the same!
-You take your pick: A few hours, or a few years. I’ll be voting tomorrow. Guaranteed. I’ve already waited 8 years. One day is nothing.
-Even though I’m 9 and 1/2 months pregnant and Obama will win California with or without my vote, I’ll wait in line as long as it takes. This election is too important to miss, and I don’t care how long and uncomfortable the wait is
- I’m voting. It would be a lot more uncomfortable for me to sit by for the next four years knowing that I let my voice go unheard. -I think if the veterans can do 3 one year tours of duty in Iraq, I can wait on line 24 hours if it will help get them home.
-I am prepared and willing to wait all day. I have cleared my calendar to make sure I can spend the whole day. And the time I don’t spend waiting or voting, I will spend poll watching and holding signs. This is far too important not to make a personal sacrifice to make sure my vote counts. And, as an Army wife, one day of work loss is meaningless compared to the days my husband has and will spend on deployment. To all within the sound of your voice: Get out and vote!
Those are just a few from hundreds of comments of people who are motivated and then some. What about you? How long are you willing to wait in line to help elect Barack Obama? VOTE PEOPLE!!!

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