Tuesday, February 24, 2009

some sun peeks out behind a cloud! miracle!...

berkeley has been surprisingly DISMAL for the past couple weeks with cold drenching rain and one mechanical failure after another! first my car broke down completely with a dead battery and then the power went out in my apartment complex forcing me to hang out in a pitch black apartment alone! not. fun. ack. :(

so when i saw the sun come out today and then saw this picture ~it made me want to skip happily around campus with a silly grin on my face! which is pretty much what i did! anyway, i know i should not grumble... knowing that half my friends are freezing their patooties off right now in Seoul! ;D btw, this is not a picture of Berkeley, obviously! i just liked the happy philosophical premise --that we should keep dreaming no matter what our environment... and staying warm and dry is a good idea too! peace!!

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