Friday, November 7, 2008

morons stand united...

okay, i confess... i am really enjoying all the in-fighting and the complete implosion of the republican party right now. it's like trying to look away from a train wreck! the republicans are coming out in droves to "eat their own" --like rabid dogs. after spending the last 3 months calling Sarah Palin "a mavericky maverick who knows more about energy than ANYONE EVER...", people in her SAME PARTY are calling her a "diva who constantly screamed at her staff and forced her underlings to buy expensive clothes for her on their own personal credit cards, an Alaskan hillbilly who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her wardrobe (during an economic crisis/running on a ticket of "cutting the fat from Washington"), and a complete ignoramus who doesn't know the difference between a country and a continent... after seeing her in the few interviews that she was allowed to give, i can't say i am really that surprised. the woman does not exactly "light up the screen" with her amazing intellectual prowess. but it still seems utterly ridiculous, even for them, that they could turn on a dime so quickly... i think it took them all of about 10 seconds to go from cheerleaders to mortal enemies.

Karl Rove, the architect behind Bush's "success", even claimed yesterday that the reason Obama won is because he is really a closet Republican and ran on "Republican ideals" whatever the hell THAT means. (Keep in mind that he's been calling Obama a dangerous Socialist/Marxist/friend of terrorists for the last few months with a vengeance.) So, all of this would be kind of hilarious if it wasn't so tragic...

Of course, Palin still has her "fans." In fact, there's a whole group of rich white repressed cowboys who absolutely LOVE the fact that she likes to shoot moose from an airplane and answers the door in just a towel for her "debriefings"... Although about 70% of the American public polled said that "Palin was NOT READY to be President" - evidently the 2012 campaign to get her elected has ALREADY BEGUN. So, although comedians around the country were really mourning the loss of "Bushhhh" as a target for their parodies - they do not have to worry. I'm sure Palin will provide PLENTY of material in the years to come... Actually, I am just praying that she has learned that throwing out random racist and inflammatory comments DOES NOT WORK. Evidently her statements regarding "Obama bein' someone who likes to pal around with terrorists" is what caused millions of Muslim-Americans to come out for him on election day. So, there was a little poetic justice in all of this... Anyway - I'm prayin' for yah, Sarah... You betcha!

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