Thursday, November 6, 2008

our blue nation...

a stunning site. (blue represents people who voted more than 50% democratic, red represents the republicans and conservatives) this is the actual breakdown of how people voted on tuesday. while FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS pundits on EVERY US tv station continue to try to say America is a conservative "center-right" nation - the facts bear out that we are actually moving LEFT, LEFT, LEFT every day... it just never ceases to amaze me how willing the republican party is to IGNORE REALITY and opt for their idea of a puritanical fantasy land...

i don't think i ever realized the extent of how much the US media was distorting the TRUTH until i lived in Korea for a while... i think that should be some sort of requirement of every US Senator and Representative. go travel and live in other countries! get out of podunk county in AlaBAMA and actually TALK to people around the world! who woulda THUNK it? and for the love of God - stop trying to elect people who have NO PERSPECTIVE or GENERAL KNOWLEDGE of the world!!!

yesterday, i read that Sarah Palin's staff did not know where to begin in helping her prepare for her debates and interviews. she evidently does not know ANYTHING about anything! case in point: she thought Africa was a country not a continent. she could not name the countries that make up North America. she thought the 1st amendment should protect HER from being criticized by the media. sorry to say this, gals, but she is POWERFUL stupid. she would've made Bush look like a genius... and that, my friends, would NOT be an easy task! ;D

yer probably wondering what has me all worked up this morning... i think it was just watching the morning news and realizing that although Obama won a DECISIVE victory in an election where the Repubs were running on a campaign of racism, deceit, and a whole host of dirty tricks - the conservative media seem to have taken away the message (not that the country wants a real change) but that they failed because they just didn't get "dirty" enough... that disappoints me deeply... also the news that by some ridiculous twist of fate, there is still a chance that Sarah Palin may come back in some form - either as a nominee for president in 2012 or as a Senator representing Alaska since one of her mentors and colleagues in crime has already been CONVICTED of multiple violations of ethics laws... it's like a bad movie, seriously... anyway, i hope the Repubs study that map carefully... and now that such a large percentage of people have participated in this election, and found that their vote actually DOES make a difference, i really hope the participation in our democracy continues...

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